Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)

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This is a list of all events for Italy.[1]


  • 1 Events
    • 1.1 Claiming Roman Ancestry
    • 1.2 Economic Policy Going Forward
    • 1.3 The Galley-Galleon Hybrid
    • 1.4 Military Governorship Evolves
    • 1.5 Eternal Rome
    • 1.6 The Italian Military
    • 1.7 Call to Arms!
    • 1.8 flavor_ita.8.t
    • 1.9 The Italian Wine
    • 1.10 The Spice Route
    • 1.11 Beyond the Pillars of Hercules
    • 1.12 Italian New World
  • 2 Footnotes

Events[edit | edit source]

Though times have changed, there are many voices calling for a return to the past. Our reunited country is only now growing to be a great power. However, as the direct heirs of the Romans, we could try to claim their mantle and pursue the empire's restoration. Such a blatant act of imperialist desire will serve us no good on the international stage though.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “Rightful Heirs” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (5)

We are the true heirs of Rome!

  • If:
    • Limited to:
      • None of:
        • Government rank is Empire
    • Set government rank to Empire
  • Gain country modifier “Blatant Roman Claimants” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
    • −2 Diplomatic reputation
    • −2 Diplomatic relations
  • Tooltip: “Unlock the 'Roman Ambition' casus-belli on nations owning provinces that are our claims and that are required to form @ROM [ROM.GetName]. Provinces fulfilling those conditions only cost 90.0% Aggressive Expansion and 90.0% Warscore to take.”
  • Set country flag ITA_unlock_roman_ambition_flag
  • Tooltip: “We will adopt Roman government naming.”
  • Set country flag ITA_stylize_flag

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (10)

Take a more tacit approach.

  • Gain country modifier “A New Age for Italy” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
    • +5 Maximum absolutism
    • +0.5 Yearly absolutism
  • Gain +10 power projection


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (14)Economic Policy Going Forward

Our country is comprised of many provinces inherited from the states we have gobbled up during the unification process. Each of them had their own set of economists and fiscal ideals. Yet, the most common policies are the good old mercantilism and the rather popular idea of economic liberalism employed by Camillo Benso, count of Cavour.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “Economic Liberalism” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (15)

Employ Cavour!

  • Gain skill 3 Statesman advisor named “Camillo Benso di Cavour” with root culture and a minumum age of 25 years and a maximum age of 25 years and root religion (0% cheaper to employ) (this advisor is hired immediately)
  • Tooltip: “Until Camillo Benso di Cavour dies or is replaced, we will also gain:
    Development Cost -3.0%
    Reform Progress Growth: +10.0%
    Goods Produced Modifier: +3.0%

    Those modifiers scale with his Advisor Level.”

  • Set country flag ITA_cavour_alive

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (17)

Mercantilism is tried and tested.

  • Gain country modifier “Promotion of Protectionism” for 30 years, giving the following effects:
    • +1 Monthly diplomatic power
    • +25% Provincial trade power modifier
    • +10% Trade efficiency
  • Gain 5% mercantilism


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (22)The Galley-Galleon Hybrid

The galleass is a feat of naval engineering developed for the needs of the Mediterranean Merchant Republics, especially Venice. A combination of the galley and the galleon, those ships are created for naval combat. But they too, could be adapted for our more contemporary needs. Let us convene and decide their future.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “Perfect the Galleass” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (23)

We need them to serve as transports!

  • Gain country modifier “Adaptation for Landings” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
    • Can transport units
    • This modifier only applies to galleass ships
  • Gain 50 diplomatic power

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (25)

Our navy will need far more than that.

  • Gain country modifier “The Galleass Armada” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Galleass force limit
  • Gain ducats equal to 0.1 years of income

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (28)

They are not sturdy enough.

  • Gain country modifier “Hull Modifications” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
    • +5% Ship durability
    • This modifier only applies to galleass ships
  • Gain 20 navy tradition


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (31)Military Governorship Evolves

As we take on great powers and seize vast amounts of territory, we have begun experimenting with the old strategy of granting newly converted territories to the administration of our generals. This could help motivate our military men and lighten the administrative burden.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “To the Rhenus” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (32)

Generals should focus on ruling with an iron fist.

  • Tooltip: “Strengthen the 'Grant Military Governorship' Estate Privilege, making it give +5.00 Maximum Absolutism.”
  • Set country flag ITA_upgrade_military_governorship_with_abso_flag
  • add_rebel_progress
    • value = -50

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (33)

Grant them more executive powers.

  • Tooltip: “Strengthen the 'Grant Military Governorship' Estate Privilege, making it give -5.0% Minimum Autonomy in Territories.”
  • Set country flag ITA_upgrade_military_governorship_with_autonomy_in_terr_flag
  • Tooltip: “Every owned province loses -10.0% Autonomy.”
  • Hidden effect:
    • Every owned province:
      • Lose 10% local autonomy

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (35)

We need the generals on the fields!

  • Tooltip: “Strengthen the 'Grant Military Governorship' Estate Privilege, making it give +1.00 Yearly Army Tradition and +1.00 Land Leader Shock.”
  • Set country flag ITA_upgrade_military_governorship_with_army_quality_flag
  • Gain a new general with:
    • 80 army tradition
    • +1 fire
    • +2 siege


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (39)Eternal Rome

Many have claimed this title and tried to do what others could not, but none have succeeded. The Roman Empire has to many been nothing more than a faint goal they could strive forward, but never reach. However, we have proven it doesn't have to be this way. Having seized the initiative, we have, through blood and toil, brought this empire back together and we shall pride ourselves with it for the rest of eternity, for Rome is undefeated.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “A Real Roman Empire” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (40)

Glory be to Rome!

  • Province Roma (118):
    • Gain triggered province modifier “All Roads Lead to Rome” until the end of the campaign, providing the following effects:
      • −25% Local development cost modifier
      • Limited to:
        • Province owner:
          • Stability is at least +3
        • Province is controlled by owner
  • Tooltip: “Merge 'Reconquest of Africa', 'Reclaiming Latin Legacy', 'Gallic Submission', 'Holy Roman Submission' into 'Rome Reborn' and modifying it by:
    Core Creation Cost: -5.0%
    Yearly Absolutism: +1.00”
  • Hidden effect:
    • Remove country modifier "Reconquest of Africa"
    • Remove country modifier "Reclaiming Latin Legacy"
    • Remove country modifier "Gallic Submission"
    • Remove country modifier "Holy Roman Submission"
    • Gain country modifier “Rome Reborn” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
      • +600 Governing capacity
      • +10% Galley combat ability
      • +1 Tolerance of the true faith
      • −0.05 Monthly war exhaustion
      • −0.05 Monthly autonomy change
      • −5% Core-creation cost
      • +1 Yearly absolutism
  • Gain +10 power projection


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (51)The Italian Military

Italy used to be split up among dozens of princes, each with their own retinue and military. Yet, if there was one unifying factor, it would be the presence of the Condottieri contractors - mercenaries the rich Italian cities would employ to do their bidding. We could base our current defense on such or adopt more modern military techniques.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “Adapt Our Military” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (52)

Adapt the Condottieri!

  • Gain country modifier “Modern Condottieri” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
    • +100% Possible condottieri
    • +5% Mercenary discipline
    • −25% Mercenary maintenance
    • (unrecognized string “mercenary leader army tradition modifier” for Template:Icon) +50% Mercenary leader army tradition modifier
  • Tooltip: “'Cruelty of Mercenaries' event will no longer fire.”
  • Set country flag disable_cruelty_of_mercs

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (56)

Focus on the fire.

  • Gain country modifier “Updating the Military” for the rest of the game, giving the following effects:
    • +10% Land fire damage


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (58)Call to Arms!

Word has reached us, that war has been declared upon the most noble Emperor in an attempt to destroy the empire. As the most honorable electors and maintainers of ancient customs, it is in our vested interest to join the imperial cause and prevent the calamity from happening. This war is already looking to be one of the most seminal events of this century.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

The diplomatic action “declarewar”

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (59)

We must defend the empire!

  • Join all defensive wars of The Holy Roman Emperor
  • Gain +20 power projection
  • Gain 50 diplomatic power

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (62)

It's a trap! A ploy to dismantle the empire!

  • Lose 0.5 war exhaustion


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (64)flavor_ita.8.t


Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

(please describe trigger here)

Option conditions

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (65)Enabled if:

  • At least one of:
    • Country flag ITA_venice_missions is set
    • Country flag ITA_genoa_missions is set

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (66)


  • select_current_missions
    • key = ITA_TRADE

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (67)Enabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag ITA_venice_missions is set

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (68)


  • Clear country flag ITA_genoa_missions
  • Set country flag ITA_venice_missions
  • Gets new missions
  • Tooltip: “Preview the 'Venetian Trade Path' Mission Tree.”

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (70)Enabled if:

  • None of:
    • Country flag ITA_genoa_missions is set

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (71)


  • Clear country flag ITA_venice_missions
  • Set country flag ITA_genoa_missions
  • Gets new missions
  • Tooltip: “Preview the 'Genoese Trade Path' Mission Tree.”

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (73)Enabled if:(Nothing)

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (74)


  • Tooltip: “Nothing will occur.”

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (75)Enabled if:

  • Is AI-controlled

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (76)

(unnamed option)

  • One of the following at random:
    • 50% chance of:
      • Set country flag ITA_genoa_missions
      • Clear country flag ITA_venice_missions
    • 50% chance of:
      • Set country flag ITA_venice_missions
      • Clear country flag ITA_genoa_missions
  • Gets new missions
  • select_current_missions
    • key = ITA_TRADE


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (78)The Italian Wine

Our tight grip on the production of the finest wine has put us in a unique position. We are fully able to exploit the market's desire for our wine and we will do precisely that. Such action is bound to impact the prices of Wine worldwide.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “Italian Wine” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (79)

Taste it once, taste it forever.

  • The price of Wine changes +40% due to “Italy Monopolizes Wine Market” for 30 years


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (81)The Spice Route

The declining trade routes from the East Indies to Venice have been revitalized. Should you embark on a merchant ship in Aceh or Malacca, it is more than likely your end destination will be Venice arriving through the Suez Canal.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “Journey to the East” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (82)

All the spices belong to us!

  • Tooltip: “'Suez Canal' Great Project will now grant +1.00 Merchants at Magnificent Level.”
  • Tooltip: “Strengthen the 'Support Latin Merchants' Estate Privilege for the [Root.GetBurghersName], making it give +1.0% Trade Steering for every 4.0% Market Share of Spices.”
  • Hidden effect:
    • Complete the mission “Journey to the East”


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (83)Beyond the Pillars of Hercules

It has been decades since the discovery of America by the Italian Navigator Cristoforo Colombo. The continent, revealed to be rich with empty land ripe for the taking, has become the center of attention for the rulers of France, Britain, and Iberia. Since then, many of those monarchs have attempted to claim American territories in order to funnel the wealth to their ports. It is high time we followed in their stead or taken action to reroute their ships to our ports.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “Plus Ultra” mission

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Let us found settlements in empty land!

  • Tooltip: “Unlock the 'Permit Merchant-Colonists' Estate Privilege for the [Root.GetBurghersName], which grants differing modifiers depending on whether we have a Colonial Idea or not.

    If we have a Colonist idea, we will gain +25.00 Global Settler Increase and +5.0% Trade Steering.

    If we don't have a Colonial Idea, we will gain +1.00 Colonists and a penalty of -5.0% Settler Chance.”

  • Set country flag ITA_estate_privilege_for_colonization_flag
  • Gain explorer with 80 navy tradition

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Claim foreign colonies.

  • Tooltip: “Unlock the 'Scramble for America' casus-belli on nations owning provinces in North America, South America and New World. Taking territory with this casus-belli does not take Diplomatic Power, but will cost +25.0% Aggressive Expansion.”
  • Set country flag ITA_cb_for_america_flag
  • Gain conquistador with 80 army tradition


Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (88)Italian New World

The new world has been discovered by Cristoforo Colombo. Though it may have been claimed for others, it was a discovery made by an Italian and it was the precursor to our now complete domination of the New World. Nowadays, we are one of the major powers ruling the American continents.

Trigger conditions
  • None
Is triggered only by

Completing the “The Italian Discovery” mission

Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (89)


  • Tooltip: “Strengthen the 'Support Latin Merchants' Estate Privilege for the [Root.GetBurghersName], making it have extra modifiers depending on whether we trade in the following Trade Goods:
    Cotton: +10.00 Global Settler Increase
    Sugar: -15.0% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion
    Tobacco: +1.00 Diplomatic Reputation
    Cocoa: -10.0% Advisor Cost”
  • Tooltip: “Every Colonial Nation will get +10.0% Goods Produced.”

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. The script code is located in /Europa Universalis IV/events/flavorITA.txt

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  • 1.37
  • Computer generated
  • Events

Hidden category:

  • Pages with unrecognized icon strings
Italy events - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki (2024)


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