The Yale Expositor from Yale, Michigan (2024)

Fresh and Salt MEATS Always Kept. Urlnj; us your poultry, either dressed or alive and receive the highest market price. We buy sheep pelts and hides at market prices. HOLDEN BROS. We Want You to call and look over our well assorted line of Choice Family Groceries and Canned Goods, In this line have a line assort-mrnt and would like to supply you with the sweets of life.

Prompt IMivcty, NORTH-END GROCERY. FRED F. FRANCIS It Is Right that you should love, cherish and protect a dear one while life fo- malns, but when the silver cord Is loosed, you owe it to their memory to give them sultaite burial. My Hoe or Funeral Supplies Is always complete and strictly up-to-date in every respect. TWO HEARSES ALWAYS IN READINESS.

GEO. GOUGH. Funeral Director. YALE, MICHIGAN. If You Like Good Fresh Groceries Just Rive us a trial order, whether it 5 cents or So.

and if we do not satisfy you. will not ask for any more of your trade. Our hue is complete. Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos. We keen a full stock in these lines and can satisfy you with what ever you want.

We want a share of your trade and will do everything in our power to please you. Ilutter and takpn in Exchange for (ioodi. M. A. SARGENT North End Grocer.

Mary M. Bowles, Plate Glass asi Fire Xsrarasco. Ecpresents sevcrr.l First- Kentsaml Collections Class Companies. Promptly Made. Office on Main street, Yalo.

HEADQUARTERS 3TC23. CHOICE CANDIES AND I CHOCOLATES JL.T J.D. McKEITH'S. Over 50 different brands of Cigars to select from. DR.

FENNER'S KIDNEY -Backache All dlieattt of Kidneys, Bladder. Urinary orcani. At Rheumatism, Lac acbe.HeartDtsease GrayT. Dropsy, Female Troubles. Don't become discouraged.

Tr.fre Is a rure for YOU. If ioci.urv wrilo It. iVtui'-r. Hi' hu nt a life tin" curln- 1n-t kUCll ta-ci a your. All Irte.

tail ncvrmm-o i'f UJw tinl lm. inatter. SmiTi Inti-n-o wlfo iuljr niTi li female irmiMi It. KMi.iy uinl It ni i urtM i.r- I tfi. 1'.


For Port Huron ril north fcnJ south 5:17 A. I and v. m. For KaKlnaw ami a. M.

2 and 7 .15 r. ForCrand IUrldind lHrolt vl H.iutnaw A. M. and r. For Minute, Liidlnzton anil NorthweM A.

F.A. URIHWOLI). Aicrnt. If. F.

MOFI.f.KU. (If nrriU 'wiiKpr Aicent Thla slrvatar oo rrpry bet of the (end In Laxative isromo-Quininc Tablets ike r4f that nr9 I eM 41 OnoninutoGounhCuro For Gousntt Coldt and Croup. cu The Hotel 2v. X3. ZZTJUTZTl, Modern In all Its conveniences.

llrst lloor. First-class bar in connection. Zuiu sProa I3xa K-Telephone No. 0. REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS.

STATE TICKET. Kor Oovernor AAKON T. iti.IH.H. of Saulnaw. For Lieutenant Oovernor ALKXANDKIl AITLANP.

01 X'kTVUDO. For (secretary of KtaU rKKl) M. WAKNKK. 01 rarmineton. For Htale Treasurer DAM HI.

McCOV.oI Uraml lUplds. For Attorney Ucneral CHAltLKS A. ll.AIIl of JacKson. For Commissioner of Mate Ijtml OitW KDWI A. WILDKY.ol Caw raw.

For Superintendent of rittdle Instruction VC.lA)!i A. fALU 01 AlUIOIl. roMIHRHMIONAL TK'KIT, For Metnlier Conirrcss. Seveiitti District HK.NKY McMOUKA.N.ol Clair luiimy, l.FUIMLATIVK TICK KT. or Stat Senator (iKolttiK N.

JONK. of Marine Pity. For llcpnsentatlve hi the LrKlsLitiire 1st District rillUI' KICIIIIOIIN. of 1'ort Huron. For Ki-r'siMiUlita la the la-Kislatuie District JAMKS PI NN.

of Wales. MifNTV TITKrT. For Judges of the Circuit Court Kt'OKNK r. I. AW, of 1'ort Huron.

IIAUVKY TA IT AN. of Vale. I'or I'rohate I'lllCN A.uliAllAM.ot 1'ort iiuron. or sin-nil II KN KY A. KOSH.of I'ort Huron, or riiTk LTtiLNK A.

HAKTI.LTT. of Ktlry. or Prosecuting Attorney HI IM l. CAliY.of ('oit Huron. For Treasurer MAKI.I IU.YSCII LA(i, of M.

Clair, or lleiMstcr of heeds HKNKV 1. IUr. of Cottrellvllle. ordrcuit Court Commissioners II AKI.KS W. Al VMS.

Port Huron. 11. HAIKU. of M. flair.

l'or Coroners Al.lU lt A. A I.K. or Fort Huron. KOp.r.KT S. 1 Fort Huron.

For urvrvor W.M. U. MKMIT, of Marine City. Additional Expositions. Thrcnhinjr Hax has teen commenced at tho 11 ax mill.

Adam wann't famous aa a sprinter, yet ho wan first in tho human race. Tho annual conference of tho M. 1. church will bo held at Capac beginning next i ucflday. riendshin is tho naadow oi tne eve ning, which etrcngthens with tho ect ting sun of I Ihoman who boasts or being able to fpell every word correctly may not be much good at anything else.

Kcv. Thoa. Durr's condition remains about the same and if anything ho is a litllo on the gain. I ho cuier lecH juito well and is in good spirits. The work on tho new Catholic church i.

delayed aomcwhat on ac count of tho contractor being unablo to sccuro brick. The structure is about ready to receive the roof. Wm, IMackford has started a brick yard on a email ecalo on his land in the northeast part or tho village, ino clay is of tho finest quality and beforo lone brick will bo manufactured on a much larger scale. On the inside pages of this week Kxnositor may be found a tine portrait of Frank Androws, convicted wrecker of tho City Savings Hank, also an ac count of tho trial. The report of tho funeral of Senator McMillan is also published herein.

It took a train of fourteen passenger coaches to carry tho union Sunday Hchool excursionists to 1'ort Huron on Thursday. Tho train started from May villo (topping at each station bo tween there andTort Huron talcing on passengers. Marietta and Yalo fur nished the largest numbers 474 and 313 respectively. There must havo been over 1500 on tho train when it left Avoca. Maple leaves are already beginning to turn to their uatumn colors of red, brown and yellow, though this is only a little past tho middle of August, and fall fashions in maple leaves are not due hero until along In September.

Jack Frost has not visited Yale yet this season, so observers of nature are at loss to explain the phenomenon. Ono theory advanced is that some Insect is atlccting the leaves and that tho change is not purely a natural one. 'Where is C. I). Thompson?" is question that is being asked by many of late.

The 1'ort Huron Daily Times has this to say in a recent issue: "It is said tho bondimcn of Charlca I Thompson, the defaulting finance keeper of tho koTM, aro considerably worried over his prolonged absence from the city. It is, claimed that ho has been at Sault Ste. Marie during the summer operating a tug and a boat house. A gentleman on Tuesday af ternoon in conversation with tho Times said: 'In my opinion Mr. Thompson will not return to 1'ort Huron for trial in October A NECESSARY PRECAUTION.

Hon neglect a cold. It is worso than unpleasant. It is dangerous. using no minuto Cough Cure you cau cure it at once. Allays innammalion clears the head, soothe and itrcnglh ens the mucous membrane.

Cures coughs, croup, throat and lungtnmbles Absolutely mic. Acts immediately Children liko it. (irant Holden. nl light loads. MEASE Nyjood for everrtliinc" that runs on wheels.

3ll Everywhere. 1U Alt DAW OIL CO. iLjakes short roads. Rotunda Centrally located. Sample Room on To and Prom Trains.

Brockway. Mra. Fred Jolley is among the sick ones. Garret Quain has started out with his threshing outtit. May Twiss, of Tort Huron, la visiting Mrs.

M. McKinncy. Lewis Jurden has moved to his house recently purchased on Main street. Mrs. Frank Schiller and daughter visited Mrs.

V. Layco*ck tho past week. On Sunday, August 21, thero will be services in St. Joseph's church at 10:30 a. m.

Lizzio Mathews, of 1'ort Huron, has boen hero this week visiting her par-ents. Mrs. Kichardson and son, of Ontario, were guests of Joeeph Mathews tho past eek. Michael Magner now drives a hand so ino horso in place of tho ono killed by lightning. Mrs.

Mulligan and two children, of City, are visiting their grandmoth or, Mrs. HIS SIGHT THREATENED. "While picnicking last month my 11-year-old bov was poisoned by some weed or nays W. II. Iilble, of Sioux City, la.

"He rubbed the poison oil his bunds into his eyes and for awhilo wo wero afraid ho would lose his titrht. Finally a neighlor rc-com mended i'c Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The first application helped him ami in a lew days ho was as well ns oyer or Skin tun, uurn. fium-, i. -i wounds, insect bites, le Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo is euro cure, relieves piles at once.

I'ewaro of counterfeits. (irant Holden. County Grange Meetings An. nounced. Cicorgo II.

Horton of the State Orange announces tho list of county granges to be held this month. Vmoug them are: Mt. rlcasaut, Isabel county, Aug. 2s; Jones, Cass county, ug. ll; Leo Lake, alhoun county, Aug.

20; Stanton, Montcalm county, Aug. 19; Flat Kock, Wayno county, Aug. 23: Alma, Oratiot countv, Aug. 27; Lake Orion, Oakland county, Aug i psilanti, ashtenaw county, Aug. (Jreenyille, Montcalm county, Aug.

Ilaw Ileosc, Hillsdale county, Aug. 22; Lake Nippissing, Lapeer county, Vug. 20; Sand Lake, Lenawee county Aug. 23; Freeland Saginaw county, Auc. 29; (Joodrich, Oenesseo county Aug.

30; Massio's (irove, St. Clair coun ty, Aug. 27; Hastings, Harry county, Aug. 22; Carsonyillc, Sanilac county, ug. 2H; Oilead, Hranch county, Aug.

19; 1'ortland, Ionia county, Aug. 21; Caro, Tuscola county, Aug. 2S, F.Isie, Clinton county, Aug. 20; Webberyille, Ingham county, Aug. 2.

LOOK PLEASANT. PLEASE. Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Kat on, can do so now, though xor years he couldn't, becauso ho sullercd untold agony from the worst form of indigestion.

All physicians and medi cines failed to help him till he tried Llectric Hitters, which worked such wonders for him that ho declares they are a godsend to sullerers from dys pepsia and stomach troubles. I nnv aled for diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give new life to the wholo system. Iry them. Only Joc. Guaranteed by CJrant Holden, druggist.

Farm For Sale Cheap. Kighty acres of first-class farming land located 2) miles west of Sanilac Centre. Fence all around it. Oood drainage. Soil, black loam.

Fivo acres in crop. This property is situat ed in a rich farming belt and can bo bought by payiug a small amount of cash down, tho balance on long time. Hero Ha rare opportunity to get good farm with little cash. For furth er particulars call on or address Man Icy painters, Sanilac Centre. 48 Hour Condition Powder For Worm.

T. F. Hoi.ukn. Imlay Citv, Mich. My horse has been troubled with worms for two years or more and they kept getting worse.

I bought a pack ago of 4S-Hour Condition l'owder of our druggist, T. J. Mlllikin, and after feeding tho l'owder a few days tho horse pased eleven worms about eight or ten inches long; slnco then passed two more. I'cforo feeding tho l'owder he seemed to have no lifo whatever but now ho acts liko a colt. I think your l'owders are a great remedy ami certainly will recommend them.

Jons Di i iikxk, St. Clair, Micl For Sale by Okant Hoi.kj x. A man can laugh loud and long and bo as frisky nsn pet coon and still bo Christian. A man can refute to laugh and at all times look as solemn as an Fgyptian mummy and still be prcpar ing for warmer weather than wo hayo had this summer. Star Poultry l'owder.

I keep alxmt 100 hens and for tho past three years havo fed Star Poultry l'owders with tho most satisfactory results. There is no doubt that tho dill erenco in the amount of eggs I gather einco feeding sur Poultry Powder more than double pays the cot of the Powder, and testdes I have never had any sickness In my Hock during the riatt thrco years. My (lock has certain been very profitable to me. I feed the Powder most all tho year round. I do not believe in wailing until tho chickens aro mostly all sick, as sorno people do, which is certainly a very unwise way to make a success of the poultry business.

It certainly is yery profitable for any poultry dealer to feed Star Poultry Powder. Frank Moox, Imlay City, Mich. Kor Sale by Oraxt Hoi.nrs. StoDS) tho Couch and Works off thvcold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day.

Urant Holden. EXCURSIONS VIA THO Pere Marquette TOUT HUKON Kt'NDAY, AUGUST 31. Train will leave Yalo at 10:10 a. m. Kate 50c.

See posters, or ask agents for particulars. Petoskcy, Charlevoix, Elk Kapids, ira verso city, Mackinao Island, Ludington and Manistee. ANNUAL LOW KATK KXCUKSION on September 2, llH)J. Ask Agents or seo bills for full par ticulars. II.

F. Moeller, (. 1'. A. General News.

The Capac Club was organized recently. Ihere were oO deaths in St. Clair county during July. Twenty-three occurred in Port Huron. Tho M.

of Port Huron, will hold a llower show on September 9. L. 11. Kice has the matter in charge. The Sanilac county branch of the Threshermen's Union has gono to tho wall.

All who joined are 17.50 out of pocket. Fivo persons haye been drowned from the beaches north of Port Huron this season. Only ono was reported last year. Tho August meeting of tho Clydo and Orant I-armerv club will bo a gen eral picnic at tho Life Saving Station on the 27th. rho St.

Clnir and Sam la; county Sunday School Association will nold their 22nd annual rally in tiio grove at Amadoro September 4th. iieoree itrenms wm puiiu a creamery at Kichmond as foon as men and material can bo got ready, lho building will bo of cement. II. W. Coddington, superintendent of tho Croswell schools the past two years, will now take tho principalship of school in Apen, uloratlo.

Homer Warren, one of tho well known fingers in Hetroit. will sing in llranch Thursday evening, Aug Uht during dedication week. Prospecting for coal will soon be be gun at Cass Lily. Indications of coal are numerous in tho vicinity and funds will bo raised at once for tho work to go on. On Sept.

10th, tho occasion of tho 21st anniversary of tho Orcat Camp of Maccabees, it is expected that thero will bo ten thousand people in Port Huron. The Paton families had their annu al reunion on Key. J. II. Paton'a lawn in Almont on Wednerday, last week.

Fifty nino persons participated in the pleasant occasion. Mrs. Zola Mav Koss, aged 20 years, and married only two months, com nutted suicide by taking strychnine at tho hom*o of her father, Leonard Mc- Arthur, near North Pranch last Satur day night. Mayor Moore has issued an announce nient proclaiming August 27 as a Civic holiday in Port Huron, tho occasion being tho excursion of tho Merchants and Manufacturers' association of Port Huron to London, Ont. The well known ferry, Omar I).

Conger, burned to tho water's edgo at her dock in lilack river Tuesday of this week. Fire started in the hold. Loss $15,000, insured. This is tho second time this year tho Conger has been burned. A location suitable fo: tho projected great lakes naval training school is being looked after by a board appointed for the purpose.

Harbor Peach was looked over last week and the place made quite a favorablo impression on the committee. By carelessly leaving a gas jet open in their room in the New Pacific hotel at Port Huron Wednesday night, II. Connors, of Columbus, and J. K. Boucs, of Butlalo, nearly lost their lives.

They wero found in a nearly unconscious condition. While passing along through a crowd Tuesday night in Port Huron, where policemen wero trying to arrest two drunken men, Lincoln A very received a blow on the head from Correy's baton, which felled him to tho ground, but after examination it was found ho was not seriously injured. Policeman Cor rey regrets very much thcjmlstako he made. Kcv. Chas.

Kirchner, pastor of the Kvangclical churches of Caeco and Adair, adopted a girl 15 years old, two years ago and has sinco then committed offences against her. A month or more ago tho girl ran away and found work in Mt. Clemens. Tho affair has stirred up tho wrath of tho pcoplo in southern St. Clair county and a case will bo made if possible.

Kirchner is married and has four young children. Four men wero badly injured at the Sugar Factory in Croswell on Wednesday of last week. It is thought that in hoisting the brick to the top of tho chimney, tho bucket was carried too far, tearing away tho rigging used for hauling up and bringing the staging, bucket and bricks down, striking Mill! man, Iodd, and Collins, tho first being imurcu nio-t seriously. oiims was struck by tho staging and Dodd by tho bucket. Stadenian who was on top was knocked receiving only a broken foot which seemed a miracle, as ho fell some fixty feet.

SHATTERS ALL RECORDS. Twice in hospital. F. A. (iulledgc, Verbena, paid a vast sum to doct ors to cure a scvero caso of piles, cans ing 2 1 tumors.

When all failed, Buck len a Arnica salvo soon cured him. Subdues In llammation, conquers Aches, kills Pains. Best salvo in tho world. 25c at (irant Holden's drug store Subscribe for Tho Yalo F.xpositor. If you knew how SCOTT'S D1ULSI0N would build you up, increase your wcignt, strengthen your weak throat and tuns and put you in con-dition for next winter, you would begin to take it now.

t1 lot lrf umfli, and try U. SCOTT it DOWNE. Chamlate. 409415 fr'! fctrrrt. New Yolk, atxl 1 all rfmrrlrti.

The Best Summer Clothing You never have to make an excuse for our Clothing on any score whatever. If a man lias bought tho lowest priced suit wo tell, it'll give him tho aervico and satisfaction he expects of it. Service depends mostly on making. You've time and time again seen a reasonable priced fabric, well made up, out wear even a higher grade of goods that was not to well made up. Now we place on sale our entire stock of Summer Clothing at a Great Reduction in Prices to make room for fall good.

it is a money saver. fa a a a Goldkrg Rosenthal Do You Wish (iood Table delivered promptly uw in good condition? If so, call at our in Union Work rT; and make a small trial purchae. If our goods and w.iv of doing business suits, try us again and you will find that the second will be good as the liit. We trv and the smallest buyers as well as the largest. You Will find us at home every day of the week and we will'.

you welcome every hour of tin; day. (T; Fresh Fruit and Vegetables. and Kggs taken in exchange for (iood-. E. AIOKTC.AC.K SAM! (.,.

Iii i.Ih 111 Ml l-llllillt flf II stri-Hcr. Immii' lr hi. ami WillMm II. MnHT tllHr to Wililiiin II. stn-.

i r. l.iti.l the l.tli Uy I A.l. WW rframirn of Hi ICruMrr of I'hU fr tlm County of St. 1 i.f mi I ho 1 It li ill of YfWniiiry A.l. I.

In l.lUr of MoitkM" on ut, on nu iiiiinK.iK'- iinn- tt i.iniini to In Hum at lli time ol litis notice th Mini of iiiirtv.tuiii. urn! nttv four a No Irvrn iiikI rvit (lll.nTi lal'S palil (iiriiiiwi ny hut mortk' wliit'li Is to il to amount due 011 iwcordlnn Hcrr-ineiit rm-UIihmI tliiTfin, In all fUty-oin tlolttrs ami flv1 ffiits (SM.0.M. nlo an attonifV of i .1. .1 1 1 1 i.i 1 ai III til. I limit.

WW, ami no milt iior rM at law having I II HI 1 1 111 Ml 141 Mvl'll I llf Iiv ill inort or anv twrt tlnrcof. I l.v irlint iif I In. lulllrr lf HJlll co'ntalnrl In ald' ami tlio tatut In mirii ran mail ami prvw'o, noiic ni tiiijr Klvrn that on Frlilay. tin 2tli Oftolwr, A. 11.

io' lit fiiiffu'cliM'k In I lir altfimxin. I nhail noil at put. Hi auction to th liuMir, at tin from iioor 01 uio ouri iioik 111 ui" "i I'oit Huron, (that Ih-Iiijc tho I1:" lifrr Clrrult Court for tin Countv of M. Clair lioUI-imi.) ttirt prrinl-wi In all or ho iiiuili tloriiif attnay nrorn.irv to pay tlix amount iluf on inortkKe will. pr rent intrfst ant all l-ual coit.

top'tlicr altli an attorni-y'n tfeof rif-i'n lollari (I5.ooi acovrnantfU n.ii'l prrinlici tn-Unj UftrrllM'il a plei-w 01 laml oinincncinir at a ixdiii on mni'i mm nunumi uiinj' tlirr' (I II) feet i-t of the wt line of KIrvriilli Ktrift, thi'iica northerly one hunarl anil thirty-flv fift, tlifnce AitTly on a linn parallel with trft rfty-oti" l) lift, thi-ncn aouthertr onu liuntrl ami thlrty flvn fci-t to th north linn of Mllh-r ntn-i-t. thcnciJ fifty- .1 M.t 1.1-lmilnL IwlHtf .1 Hurt ol thn north-rait part of Irartional 1'iaricr 01 incuon i'n 1 o'M 11 vvfiiUf ITl lUist. State of Mlchlttau. iat(i ju ljirj. 7 WM.

II. MTItK.KTKU. DKAKKiV ItAri.KV. MortiraRiro. Alt lor JKOll.VTK OKDhlt.

"statB of County of SL Clair m. 1.... 1 1... I'lllltt fur Hill it County of M. Clair, lnll at the I'rolmto omoe.

In tin 1 Ity 01 oil Huron, uu mi' AuiriiHt. In the year one thouanl iium huu.lreil an two. I'rt'Hcnt, Stepheu A. liraiuin. Jii'Ufo 01 1 ro-liate.

In tin matter of thr enUte wimaiii ier- rott. ileoeaie.1. Ala t'erntt. Iialii(i tile.l her it ion In Hilt 1 ouri, prating inai i.jin-r i.ittnian nml hi rnell in.iv be itraiitcU the ailinln- ration of wil.l estate, li I. it till lit (lav of Sep- temher next, at v.m o'clock In the foii nooii.

at all I roliato, io apiHiinieu mr m-iuiu, thereof tt, fnrthir or.l.'reil. that a roov of tlili order le pul'llnheil three MiccenHlve weeKl pre- tloui to ol lieailllK. lil me m. ur tirllltcil UllJ I 1 1 1 Hi County of St Clalr. Mil 111.

A. IiU.IIIA.'I, (A true copy.) 1V.I ol 1 ronait. Do You Need anything In tlie line of Grille Work? We manufacture many different pat- terns aim wouici vs lurm-m' an order irom you. Door and Window Frames, Screen Doors and Window Screens made to order. Turning and Bracket Work a Specialty.

Our facilities for doing this work are such that we can turn oui viiai you order on short notice ana lo your sai Ufactlon. Call and seo us. A.GOHEEN. TO CURC A COLO IN ONt 0Y Take Laxative iiromo tiuinine Tsb let. All drtiRRlits refund the money If It fails to cure.

F. W. t'ttn ture is on ch box. 2c. (Irsut llol deo rl.

Don't miss this sale, BEARD. otici: of sai k. Default having liei ma.le In Hie con.iliiii of a certain iiiortk'ai' i'le by liu-ent ami Airnei (i. lucent lilt wife i Civile. l.ilr Couutv, Michigan, to A.

la .1. Mivir of Civile, County ami Statu aforeiaul, d.ite.l the dav ol .1. uiuary v.c, ami In th- olllce of the UejflHter of eeitl fur the ouiitV of St. Clair, Mite. of Mlchlirau on the ICtli il.iv January in l.lher 77 of Mortu.i on on hlch inortL'He there i l.ilincl lo l.o due at thr? ilate of lliU notice, for the ami Ititeri Ht, the mm of tt.2:,.t, Twenty.

Five Dollari, ami an nttornry'4 tee of Fifteen a provided f.r In nald ami no nut or iro at law hat Ins heen Instituted to recover luoneit seemed I'V Hid inortu'a" or anv part thereof, li herehy Kiven, that liyvli ie of tin power of H.ile rout. micd In n.iid nmrlace. and the statute In nr rane made and piotiiii-d, on the day of Septemlx-r I at 10 o'clock in the loienoon. the will at the eail front door ol the court limine In the City of I'ort Huron that lielui: tin- place wh-ra the circtiit coin! for the countv of xt. Clalr in held.

cll at puhllc auction, to the liij.est hid dcr, the pretnlnei deHcrihed III nald liioltjae, or ho much thereof at may le npe-ary to pay the amount due ai aforeoald on the s.ii.l tnortkjace, with neven cent and all leual i'ohH. touetlier with aaid attorneys tee. towit: The cant rl-rhty neven (7) feet of the north thirty flvn (V) feet of Iit TweUr Wc-d Hide of Huron Stn-et, Tliorti, id a pait of the City of I'ort Huron, Michigan. luu-d June ii, ADA J. MAXWELL.

rillLMPH JK.NKH, Moitcacee Attorncyi for MortKacce. 31 OUIOAtiK HA I.K. Hef.iutt havlnz hen made in the term and condition of a certain niorUtace tenrlint (Lite he I ltd day of maoe and executed l.y (ieore artin ami Minnie Martin lu to lame, r. Kerirnoon for the mini of rT'i. recor In the o'tlce of the IteitNter of Deed for St.

Clair Countv Michigan in l.llier I of MoiIlmcc- on on the ilav of duly a-otlcned hy iahl K. Kercuon to II. Ioii can ly deed or alkcnmenl u.ited May recoideil In LUmt It of AMhriiincnt. parfr MH. taid countv, on May I'th, l- andiiir un ilulv iiHtlciirHl hv fald II.

Ia-on to D.ivld ochratie hy deed of dated Jan. ltli r'l, an recorded In Uiier i ol irn nie in patfe for Mild county on July IMh. 1 and there li claimed to he due iiHiti n.ild hioiIk' i' at date In-reof the mini of i7n.l prim i ai iUnl lnterct atKi tne iiiriuer Mini oi s.i.'.. on ol tae tiald on the land, covered hv vil 1 rt cair" and the ttiterc-! tiiereon. a total or ol principal.

ta and Interot, no milt at law or in ciuiiy itavinu neen niMituieu io recoer tn said amount or anv part thereof. Notice therefore ulvetl that tin premises de-scrlhed In said luortuau'e will he at puhllc lle or Vendue to the hUhest l-ldd. i.t the flout door of the count Court home In tlie eit of port Huron, that Ix-imr the pl.u-e for hoi. 1. in: the Cu.

cud Cm. rt fur aid county, on M-oeliy ie day of OctoN-r. to. dlfv tlm amount due on the said HiortiMue said taes and the cost of this foiccloMire together with an nl loiiiev tee ol as providr.l In said mort.ue. premises ate follows as howti hy ald IM01 t.a'' A 'I 1 tain piece or parcel of land silnat-d an I l-li i III the toniish'p liiH-kee, oi.lttv id M.

and siateof ami dc-ct 0e. a tow it: Itemnnlia at the ijinttir 011 tio It'ie of section slv township see'l ratine Lllecti east runnlnc tin le II. f. 11 courics and instance ast Nm It ileirree, east on iii lx. tweiitv cii.iin and ltv ix I'ohs io a oil toe soiillt line of sti'tloa six; thence i.ottli three ileirrees and tweiity flsei ItiPiMt.s v.t, thlilv threei h.unsand tweti' nine I 1 a p.isi Pi the center of I'ort lltmci nttd l.i-er Koad; thence north foitv four iv.r.-cs West celi'er of S'lld id 'ink 1 Mtld sevi iiiiudreilths ihauis loa In center of ild road and al-o on the east and west of said sect Ion; Uienee West elht i ell ile.Tce and thlrly fivn ininutes esi, foiirt-eii chains and Hurt) nine, links to a tho center of section thence south on north ami south ijuatter line.

three ihviec and Iwen-Iv live ininnteseast. thirty-nine chains nml sixty links to place of Iwgintiliiit, seeii-ty i.lne uml fifty four one acre moie or hxcrptlntt ami Ihercfiom a trii of ino, two td In width from oil the south end ol sal I ahove descrlhsl liml. Hal-l tills 7-Hd day of Jul v. Ill i. II II.

IIAKT. IIAVinctHMIKANr. Att'y lor Asslne. Assltneool AloiUi' GEORGE ZUELCH, Dealer In Dry Goods and Groceries. ILcnojr to Lean upon good notes and other securities at low rates of Interest..

The Yale Expositor from Yale, Michigan (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.