The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)

Pas Sixteen the index-journal; creenwood. s. c. June 15. 1950 No Place For Pennies! Army, Air Tactical Support Training Program Announced mechanics of obtaining close air support when required In combat Air Force personnel will also be given training for combat opera tions in support of ground troops.

Fire AH Aliens Hired Abroad. For Security. State Department" Urged CO-OP BANK MEET HELD Columbia, June 18 (AP) The Columbia Bank for Cooperatives closed two-day annual atockhold-ara mattlne today with soeechee n.ll I HI! II Adjournament Fever Already Running High By Edwin B. ttaaainson Washington, June 1. 05T Ad 'it and a panel Radio Queen I Fort Monroe, Va, June 15 A new program planned to give small units of the Army and Air Force practical training In tactical Louisiana, Texas, California and Arkansas each grows about one fourth of the U.

S. rice crop. Approximately 100 co-op representatives from the Carolina Oeorgla and Florida attends! -t-M By Marvin L. Arrawsmlth Washington, June IS (iP) State Department officials today promised careful study of a recommendation that the agency fire all the aliens It employs abroad and hire Americans Instead for security reasons. The recommendation came from Senators Green iD-RI) and Lodge R-5Isss).

who traveled Eurooe last run journment fever appears ot be running high in the Senate several weeks early. Sideline observers wondered If it air support operations has been announced here. The program will acquaint personnel of ground tactical units within the continental United States with the firepower and re-connalsance capabilities of tactical aircraft It will also serve to" train commanders and staffs In ''the was the real thing or mora of a con test between Democratic and Re publican leaders. month to survey the department's security set-up overseas. They Democratic Leader Lucas, or Illinois, has been taking dally opportunities to predict that Congress can said last night in a report to the I XICU15LS 4, Senate: -v complete action on a big Jam of must legislation and get away by "Aliens are the meet likely means ef foreign penetration and the ef July 31.

fort to penetrate eur security a- Yesterday two Senate Republi 1 -tMIAHTliM broad Is constantly growing." can leaders. Wherry of Nebraska vr m. 4 and Tart of Ohio, got Into the act The low pay the aliens in Ameri can employ receive "makes them a by agreeing with Lucas after care fully inserting some OOP prey to bribery and pressure." the report added. Wheery, the Republican floor leader, said Lucas had handed turn Oreen and Lodge went abroad as Hi a list of more than 20 bills tuat should be passed before Congi ess 1 AIJiOUVKl) quits to go campaigning. If Lucas would trim his list in half.

Wherry opined that everybody could go home about August 5. 41 a special panel of the Senate foreign relations subcommittee which is Investigating charges by Senator McCarthy (R-Wls) that Communists and fellow travelers have infiltrated the State Department. They took testimony from department officials In Paris, Frankfurt, Washington and New York. "There was unanimous agreement I mix a- -J A few hours later the Senate Re jr 1 A lot of driven iUU apparently don't know that parking meter in the cfty lot near the Textile building are not for pennies. Each time collections are made at these meters there is an abundance of pennies found among the nickels, says Chief of Police Harold O.

Fortson. The meters will, operate only when sickles are placed in them. -Hite lot Is a great help with traffic. Mr. Fortson said, adding that persona who must visit a doctor's office or make some other stay of nnpredicted lenirth downtown should make use of this Int.

among all the witnesses that all publican policy committee held a long closed -door strategy session. Emerging from this with bicbd smile. Chairman Taft said It "Is possible for Congress to adjourn August 1 if And Taft then announced that Republicans would Uuift on a Sen Marcella Henson above) of Jas aliens now employed in American per, was chosen Radio Queen mm of the South at annual contest in Miami Beach. Fla. She poses with her sceptre, robe and trophy cup.

Miss Senson flew to Savana to be the guest of the Cuban government. She won the title In competition with 50 girls from many parts of the country. (AP Wlrephoto). Health For All emoaasies, consulates ana legations abroad should be replaced as rapidly as possible by Americans," the senators said. They also recommended that "for security reasons it is desirable that the United States should own rather than lease its buildings a-, broad." That should be done "to special construction can be undertaken to provide a high degree of I ate vote on two things.

1. Reduction or elimination of the federal excise taxes, first imposed during the war on a long list of items ranging from Jewelry and furs to passenger transportation and comet lea. 2. A restriction on President Truman's power to cut Import duties under the trade agreements it. it fj-nr imtt security for such sensitive areas as the code and cryptographic rooms." AaSaraaa Tfk-CU SXtliac Uaew Ai)afit Fraas Ca, N.

V. (This column is sponsored, in the interest of better health, by the Greenwood County Tuberculosis Association.) School Is Oat Children all over the country have put away their school books, or are preparing to do so, to enjoy the summer vacation. To the children, the time has arrived for fun and relaxation, of Retail Meat Prices Level Off After Two Months Rise By The Associated free Retail meat prices levelled off generally this week at about the levels of last week-end, after push tng upward for nearly two months. Poultry and dairy products also were mostly unchanged; but top grade egga continued their alow uptrend In many markets, with the Increases averaging about two cents Fewer product price changes were reported than In recent week. Priced lower as supplies Increased wtre snap beans.

Urn as, broccoli, eanteloupes, cucumbers, peaches and strawberries. I Prto-makers for several large freedom from school routine, dis cipline, homework and examli Washington Says Peurifoy Soon Be Ambassador Washington. June 15 v-John E. Peurifoy, 43-year-old native of Walterboro. S.

Is expected to become American ambassador to Greece. tions. They take readily and eagerly to this change to all-day play and outdoor life. We adults see school days as necessary to the mental and educa chains said consumer resistance to tlonal growth of tha child. Similar The present ambassador.

Henry the "high price of beef, lamb and ly, we can look on his vacation days pqrk unquestionably was the major I actor in steadying retail meat quo as essential to his healthy physical growth. Immediate benefits can be seen the first few days a child Is r. orady, recently was designated as ambassador to Iran. Peurtfoy's selection has not yet passed through the usual channels of diplomatic appointments but la ta(tlons this week. home from school.

In some cai lagging appetites perk up and soma THIS IS Clean lp, Paint Up Week IN GREENWOOD children begin to sleep better be expected, to do so without difficulty. If this appointment Is confirmed, Peurifoy will not leave his duties here until September. He now Is deputy undersecretary of state for cause increased fresh air and exer mt else bring on a healthy fatigue at GRADE QUALITY Chuck Roast 60c lb. administration. He has been In ft VI I ItUI" government work 19 years.

He is a long-time associate and personal friend of Secretary of State Ache- 4VS TIM CI the end of the day. Although school days mean a certain amount, of confinement and deprivation of outdoor exercise, they do tend to foster regular habits of eating, sleeping, and cleanliness among children. For example, most parents get their children to bed on time because they have to get up early for school. Mayonnaise HMkl WORK! Registration In GRADE 41 A Round Steak lb. 95c I Mi MQNEY1 McCormick County Placed at 1,549 Children generally eat a better No.

Real Value Tomato breakfast during tha school year and many schools provide pupils wltn well-balanced lunch. There is less opportunity, too, during school days for children PORK SHOULDER Roast 50c to nibble at snacks and spoil their appetites for good food at the main MeCermlek, Jane IS A total ef 1.541, persona were registered kef are the aseks were eleeed sera Jane It. The regbtraUoe) according to precincts la as follews: MeCer-adek, 525; Modoc, 51; Clark Hill, ilt Talbert'a Store, 54; Ubarty Hin, 52; White Town, SI; BeUr Store, 12; Lyons, 12; Teanga, IS; Clatwerth Crass Raads, 41; RebabetH, 15; Mt Cannel. 71; Plan Branch, 121; FarkavUle, 129; Berdeewx, 22; Wllllngtoa, 42. meals.

rvllr As a general rule, children an Gvatanlfi 1 1 'scrubbed for school" with sneclal Shortening JEWEL i 4 4 lb. ctn. i CAS CO attention to clean fingernails and Center Cut Mild Daisy poriK 4 I CHOPS 4 CHEEGG Dry IRON teeth. (Dentists report that the appearance of dental cavatles amona children is greatest during the a Sensationa summer vacation.) Pupils are reminded almost dailv in class at the 4 OOC lb. I 1 70c low priced Importance of health and hygiene.

Moreover, many schools have doctors and nurses, at least on a part-time basis, to helD keen a chart i1f TIDE II A Lrf cMl 15c ISM 5c mm SPAN- the health of the children. Fruits and Vegetables Red Ripe Tomatoes ctn. 21c JUSt enough of tha attontlnn given to the child's health durina ALL THE MATURES YOU WANTI school weeks should carry over Into Hurricane Season Officially Opens Miami. June IS VP) The hurricane season opened officially today. All that means at present is that a special teletype hookup will link 27 cities along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts to coordinate weather reports.

Miami and 11 other Florida cities will be tied into the Weather Bureau's hurricane warning system. Few hurricanes occur in June and July, said Chief Forecaster Grady Norton ot the hurricane warning system. Juice 11c Lb. Sunshine Crackers Hl-Ho 30c No. 303 Walco Field Peas 2 for 25c No.

2 Kent, Farm Lima Deans 15c IS Ox. Blackberry Preserves 34c 24 Of. Spaghetti Meat 32c 12 Ox. Hormel Spam 43c Os. Hormel Potted Meat 8c Helns Tommto Ketchup 25c 2b Whole Spiced Pears 36c 12 Ox.

Sweet Dul Pickle 39c 12 Os. Blue Plato Dutter 35c a' a a a a we summer vacation to assure that he returns to school happy and healthy In September. This certainly does not mean that a child Fresh Tender Green Beans 2 lbs. 15c Fresh- Crowder Pea 1 2 lbs. 23c should be nagged about health rules 0 3 ears 20c IttAMS lOMMaj HVIION UtM nut oaaittAty WATUI itaimuu tnai nut IAMIII aner an -earned" vacation following nine months or stud and school routine.

Nor doea it' mean that a few late niahta- or extra SQU4SH Yellow Crookneelc 2 lbs. 7c snacks during the day will do harm. Vm dM' Mll a IwiMt cal ki cM Iwt lew But it doea 'mean that narant Should realise tha undmtandahla CUCUMBERS Green Medium Six. 2 lbs. 19c 1 4 to Mi.

tendency to allow things to "slide" during the summer months and help make tha child's summer vaca tion the relaxing, and Here -they Are: neaiuxiui experience it Is meant to DC, Pope Talbert MAXWELL A WOTS. Nest Ta ideal lba lbs 11 LS The chief source of the. world's supply of amber is tha Baltic mut au 9 Oi. Hot Drinlc Cups rk. of 10c of Oermany, Lithuania and Latvia, Gaost Sixo Ivory Soap 4 ror 19c Med.

Six Ivory Soap 2 For 15c Csrtoh Six Coca-Colas 31c Pound Wonder Rice 16c Post's Raisin Dran 19c Lb. Liptoa Tea 33c i 4r Kill'einMvjitli oacMSSt Crowning of Queen, Banquet to Close Druggitts' Meeting Columbia, June 15-WV-Electlons. a banquet and a rueen-crownlng ceremony and ball dose out the South Carolina Pharmaceutical Association's annual convention here today. Mrs. Betty Phillips of Oreenville was selected to be "Miss Pharmacy of 1950" for South Carolina at a style show yesterday.

Her coronation tonight win signal the end of the 74th annual conclave. The state medical college school of pharmacy should get a larger state appropriation. Secretary Thomas D. Wyatt of the state board of pharmaceutical examiners told the druggists yesterday. Probe of Perverts In Government Be Held in Secrecy Washington, June IS VP) A special senate Inquiry Into reports that there are many sexual perverts among federal employes will bold all its meetings In private.

The chairman of the Investigating group. Senator Hoey (D-NC) said the Inquiry would be "complete and rxo. or Paper Naplcins 2 or 25c RED LABEL IisARO IV, Lb. Jar' 23C A 4 4 4 rxa. or Wooden Forlcs 1 10c THI BUG KILLER THAT KILLS MOM THAN 300 KINDS OP Alt.

FOOD TRAYS PKG. OF 8 SSVIITISIO IN no. or it -1 Plastic Forlcs Spoons 15c Paper Plates 10c- 15c 19c jllrtll C3SS LOVE lilt HEP IIEMT HOUSEHOLD tUGS Contains Activating i with COOK-KJUJ GUARANTEED fKO. or Waxed Sandwich Bags 10c 1 3 cans for 39c iWf I I thorough" but not public. i He explained that the committee has no desire "to transgress tndi- vidua! lights, to subject any Individual to ridicule br to allow this Investigation to become public' 1 to kill oatior and faifor than any bug killor you ovor 01 TOM CCSIT lACXI SOUTHSIDE MERCANTILE COMPANY JT RIRKSEY DRIVE PHONE 8-1123 Adaa Food rrlcct riatlisws Grocery Crccnvccd Crcccry Calhoun Avenue) Phone 9-2271 Klrksey Driwo Phono M95S KiUoa Street Thono 4ZZI inn weWf cissirf tuui SELF SZAVICB it PLEIIffY OF PAEimilG CPACB FREE DELIVERY FROM EACH STORE 1 Prises Gsrs At All Atovo SELF SERVICE COLONIAL STORES DIXIE HOME STORES tt aa.

at WWSaagT CCID Cn." Sftllltvd UKUli STORE And All Other.Ladmf Grocery And Drug Stores 'I 4'..

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)


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