The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)

vii-i v( as an aiil lo ii-iii; mis ji-juuiii i It is easy to iclect the best values by readlsff the vertLir columns dsily. HEME IS BEG vNISWS! FTJDAT, NOVEMBER 4. 1:7. J. IIHB PERMITS MUST -300 LEW flBBEWILLE CASE jW.M.U.

I. IS fl WITNESS BE IS THE GOAL IS HID IS USUI 0 III A Interesting Public Testifies As Expert in City Council Will En-j Chamber of Corn-Case Against Bar- force Ordinance on merce Drive Favor-: ton and Gilbert Buildings ably Received ft. fort of several eaavasalng committees la he Chamber of Judge Watkins Decides Not to Bring Jury Back for Trial The cm of Marshall Kirk-man as receiver, for. th 'stionsl ttank of Abbeville agsinst a number of officers aad directors of the JefuBct baaklng' Institution was continued la Kcderal Court yesterday sftemooa by Judge H. IL WatklBS.

The roBtlauaac was ordered attoraeys on both slda ksd Big November sale will be a great help and a happy surprise to everybody in town and country both. People, this is Gable's first big sale of the season. Come expecting the best values in town for thaVs what you will get at Gable's. 1 takes nerve to offer you new merchandise at these low prices, but we've got both and we want you to be ja Gable cms-tomer always: That's why we're running these after-Christmas prices Your Money; Will Go A Long Way At Gabled Big November Sale! Big News, Girb! Big S4vbf CabU's $10 Drae for only $6.95 You-Ml Lika 1U You Can Save. $5 It lWn9 mix lav ircsaa oirennff xor oniy $21.95 Mated to the court that1 trial of he cose would take at least three lays and afoq after Judge Wat tins bad.

asked aa. expression of ipinion from Jurors all of whom agreed wth statement of everal that to return here next veek would entail a hardshii ipoB them sIbco they eaaie with he expectation serving only luring thA jMwseat. week. Judge said be was anxious to iav the case disposed of and all ao sUoftieys stated fbiy re eady for trial, aj tiey had been tor Borne tiau; but UBder tha it was agreed that tbe ontlausae should ordered. term of court at which time the csf will trted J- 'Th olftcera and directors of the snk ars charged with making pan In large aums in.

violation thn nstional banking iavi HOLINESS CHURCH Annual 'nfehce Convenes Tomorrow The annual Qonfcrnce of tht Pentecostal Holiness church of Upper Houth Curollna will meet South OrtHtuwood, Tanola ihurch tomorrow nfteruoon Att j'clock and wilt continue through ihe Stb. Cth und 7th. Oetfersl Juperlntendent, Iter. J. i.

King, will preside. There are 43 churches in 'this conference which will be repre-l instructed lUtubo to see that a permit rc reeured 4- fire pcrmiisioc ginn for the," Unction of any building within tfce city limit, and in this roe-I rectlon ordertd tbat Mr. Crawr lord be brought before the record e. to ar.svte a charge of violating (he building ordinance fear erecting a filling fit: ion on Houth Jsaiii street without a permit. Mr, ItMubo ijiieHfed Council to take steps for the placing of a -bit line im Montague avenue aud tit the same time to take car of Ike home of 11.

A. Calhoun on Stanley avenue. -Thin matter was but action was deferred until a future LANOERTO'JIGHT f. Famous Musical Or- frahfzatioh Appears 'ATh Kchubert Mal a mucicai organixatioa or interna tlona) reputation, will appear at Under College toiigbt at o'clock under aunplces of the Ly-courn Bureau'. This tjiiartct has recelvtHl very complimentary notices from tbe' press of the Vaited States and Canada and baa Sung txfore many largn Audiences.

It hoped the attendance tonight Will be In keeping with th re nown of the entertainer Oeneral admlsaioa at the door will be $1. Students will be admitted for 75 cents. vaptain: -wuat la tbe best method to prevent the disease cuiih-ed by biting Insectsr Corporal: "Dn't bite the In-sects." i.ia vt City Council has' jCiir Engineer P. It. 1 Capt.

It Q. 5.rrlck. one o( the itscf lui If knawB prohibition officers of, the coautry, tfv-Bdel foe bIob of Federal Court rrrdsy aftrrnooa ait witness for tbe government in the galast C. Haroa aad Will Gilbert, of Kdgrfield county. Cast.

Merrick testified that the liquor Introduced la evidence by District Attorney Tolbert aad alleged to fcavt Wen obtained from Barton aad Gilbert was "raw moonshine whiskey." Ha mad a examination of It while the stand, pouring oat a small quantity in bis baads rubbint tbem together and amellinf It. He, defined tbc difference between the manufar-tore of whiskey Jn goverameat and moonshine stills and added that there were no longer aay government twills la thin section of tbe country and thoseXoperated la otber sections now make only Industrial alcohol, OiH. JklerrUk ias excused from rurth, attendance on the court and left lately after be bad tertlflsljll iaa not cross-examined. fpt, Merrick at tbo present time la chief of the Virginia. JCorth and South Careen vision with hdquarterLlUcB-mondL For some time, befttqjnj 1121.

be was on dutyia-KcV He is originally from Wal ball and senred many years ago deputy sheriff. 0 fceforaer: "I must you for kissing your wire on ttuoday." iTonug Husband: "But Ibis Isn't VtfHt? Reformer: "Oh, pardon me." Index-Journal Want -Ada Bring Results, Fish and Oysters Freak and Delicious Also Fin. MeaU CITY MARKET tr Commerce membership drive showed (hat all the buntneM aad inresional men called on are tifslly interested ia tbe chamber. a proved by tbe memberships to which they subscribed. Two or three, committees were not In position to make the rsnvsns tirdsf but will do so today or Monday, sad It In believed that they loo will meet with succewi No canvass will he made tomorrow.

Three hundred memberships Ir the goMl or tbe Chamber of Commerce In this campaign. All business and professional men who already are members are urged to Kiu-w their membership aiu) oilier who have never joined are utkoH lo subscribe for one- or more memberships and- thus have a part to supporting the organlsa tbm thm is in position to do so much fiir tbe city In a mslerinl SHORT STREETS 5 WILL BE PHED City Council 1 Takes Action on Elm and Oakhaven Courts Court aad Oakhaven Court will be paved aa soon as possible, in accordance, with a decision reached by City Council last night A) the same time It was decided not to pava Blake street for the present, The paving of Elm Court will covt approximately 11.618 and of (fekhgveB Court Itwas also decided to place curb and gutter on Klllott and Cbhrles streets and gutter Hunter, street -0 II I II III Ladies9 Coats At Big yuigs All Ladiea $18 Coats for only i $12.95 All Udies' $27.50 Coats, many new patterns, at $21,95 rw i But Not the Quality, 0 ented by' 47 Ther are)1" liat tor ttntloca then will br 0 preachers besides delegates, le refunding of bonds due by th iff ftltufc iiitt mltiMErtii iairb ara that City In January, including thi Meeting at Orphan 'age Last 1 Night. The executive board of the Bsptist. Woman's Mlasionsry t'n-Iob of South Carolina is holding its final sesniwa id the Counle Maxwell Orphanage Chapel this morning with approximate! 49 members present Recommendations aad otber matters receiving attention will be submitted at the annual meeting of tb t'nlon and will not be made public la advance. The board held its first executive session yeterday afternoon and last night a public meeting was held la the chapel over which Mrs.

J. I). Chapman, of Anderson, president of the State Union, presided. Impressive features were a musical program by the children of tbe Orphanage and the presentation of a crystal vase to Miss Jewle King, of Columbia, who has been the faithful treas-unr or the Uaion-for IS jrears The protestation address was made by Mrs. u'eorx E- Davis, Or.HUgebiirg.

Other Interesting features of the progrsm were addresses by Miss Martha Franks, of taurena county, a missionary on furlough front China, and Miss Vonnlc Lani-e. or Columbia, corresponding secretary of the Union. Mii Clifford Barratt. another return-1 ed missionary, also took part In the exercises. Mrs.

I. W. Wlngo. of Campo-bello. former president of the Uo-loa.

conducted tbo devotionals. Much Routine Business Given Attention Last Night City Council conducted a large amount of routine buiilncss at it regular monthly meeting Inst night 'und left off a number matters to be considered at a spe clal meeting to be held tomorrow nlgbt at Included it floating debt, and the report ol Motorcycle Officer Charles and Fireman Walter Gold man regarding details of the ar rest of two boys for pulling a fslse alarm on April 17, 1026 It Is understood that notbins; har been done In the matter of dis posing of the reward. mayor and all members o' Council, except Alderman W. A Frldy, who was out of the city attended the meeting last night Routine business transacted wa' follows according to the min utea of. Clerk a.

J. Cartlcdfie. Jr. ,1. A.

A. Coleman appeared befoirt Conucll, asking that street bi opened from Mused avenue tr Oak street Thin was referred tc the ptreet committee to contef with II. Nicholson, city at Capt. Ellis of the Salvation' Army, nad report for tbo month, the bills ifor charity amounting to 132.61 ordered paid. Capt.

El lis asked that the bouso at the Fair Grounds be turned over tc him. but there was no action taken at this meeting. Dr.j J. B. Brodle made report for the month, and Council In structcd him to use authority as att officer In abating unsanitar; conditions in some of the public buildings, since occupants of said buildings have reported such.

-Chief of Firo Dept. before Council- regarding the reward for the rapture of those turning in false The rec ommendation of Chief Bcaudroi waa accepted by Council, and tdoptid. VThat Virgil Tlmmer-man be rewarded with $50.00 aid the remaining $50,00 be divided equally between the three men, who, Van. down and raptured tne violators." The, Street Committee was in structed to tako steps as necessary for the opening of a public alloy la th rear of property of J. F.

Ouxts on South Main street. The committee was requested to give this matter prompt attention. Hartley Grocery was. given permission to mark In front of their place of business on North Main street the width of their bolldloc regarding- the parking of cars. lHll from Dr.

J. A'. Mariliall for onehalf cost or work on cotton buyers houss on Oak Btreet brought Declstnn of Council All $25 Coats, during this All Udies' $45 Coats, cut Udies, the best hat ralues big; sale at for this sale to you ever saw for only $18.95 I $1.95 MISTER! STOP WORRYING! Gable has solved your suit problem in this big stA. $19.95 $38.95 i SMSBMaBHaBBgBMMlMMHBMMSBSMBaBSSHaSMBnaaaMaanMi OH, BOY, WE'VE CO YOUR OVERCOAT1 DOVT WORRYCOME AND SEE TH2M. Cable's Big November Sale Is Cutting the PHce 1 II I III 1 I I III.

I I St At Lost. That Long Looked For Cold Snap Hal Arrived and Rosenberg's is Ready With A Bonn-ty of AVarmr Stylish TOP COATS AND OVERCOATS FOR MEN Unusually large varieties of Coats, finely tailored, from new warm woolens and the greatest values of recent years. ire expected to be In attendance. 'Justness setalops will embrace rtaln hours euch day and devo tlonsl services aa follows: Friday alght 7:30, Rev. G.

II. Montgom-jry from Irmo. S. will Saturday night. 7:30, Hev.

Iw-Is HawKalnky. (the converted Jew 3f wide experience) from Green-vllle will preach; Sunday Rev. II. King will preach nod alw nd-minister the ordinance of tb Lord's Siinday at 3 a'elock, Ilev. J.

M. Turner, one of the missionaries Jiit returned from India, after years of service there, will speak on the different phases of his work in" In 41a. Sunday night at 7:30 Rev. P. F.

Heaebam, geaoral treasurer of the Holmes Bible and Missionary Institute or Greenville, will preach. The public Is rordlnlly invited to attend all the. services. Proposal in Taxi CHICAGO, Nov. (AP) When raul Palace, 31, Ntarted lis proposal of marriage to Miss rene Casteleo, 17, In a taxicab, the meter read 3R cents.

When It had reached about II lours later, be had not yet per-luaded her. He dcidedvio. continue la the parlor of her sister's home. But rrlving there last -night, the police met tbo couple, rvslden the axl charge of 79.fi5, he faces tnother charge of kldnaplngln court today. Do You Want A Home? Here is th? chance of a-lifetime a real home a dandy good cottage.

No, Woodr ow Stree practically brand new convenience heart could wish. Pay the rent $35.00 per month for 150 months, insurance and taxes and the hpme is yours for life. No more monthly rent bills to vvqrry you. If Inter- estcd, iand got a good job see C. Burna at Once.

Vounp; Men's OVERCOATS AW hat thl bill bo applied to plat-orm' rent which 'ihe city pays Chief of. to that all railronds comply trlctly with the City Laws, excepting the C. TV'. C. which has llways compiled with said laws.

The City wlshea to commend tbe 2. it In this respect- Enginoer Rambo reported that "ie had received bids for curbing 'rom Jones Benjsmlt for 33 cents nd from Winifred Beajsmin for Cents. Alderman J. B. Harris asked 'hat cutter be placed on streets 'n the Greenwood Mill Vsllere.

tatlng that a legal contract will be entered Into, th mill paying 'or all' the work, the city to reimburse tne mill for Its one-half within five years without Interest. Mr: Harris stated that ho 1ld not Intend to bring this matter before Council such ther Ktreets had been mentioned 'or 5 paving, and tlnce' it seemed that Council was now preparing to do other work of this, kind, he thought It only lair and Just that hi village be given assistance. Mr. Harrla stated that had not other work been asked for, he, would not have Asked for this work at the Greenwood Mill. This matter was referred to the Stroht Committee 'for attention.

and that petitions, for all in ouegtinn be submitted before "ounrfl ji approximate cost. ind report at next meeting. government efforts New Zealand to favor British the people continue to use those from America. and Smart Men'g Smart New TOP COATS and OVERCOATS In many styles $25.00 10 $45 Pi Of Senlceable Quality Styles. A Real Value at $22.50 OTHER Men's Silk and Wool In pleasinsr varieties TO) TC OVERCOATS $13.50 TO $20.00 Where Biuildng Is A Pleasure V01' Dank make home, i enjoy coming In even 4 when 1 haven't any business to do." How often we have heard remarks like this! We rejoice in the belief that they We hope that you t.oo; WW'rap a full harvest of 'satisfaction from your visits In our bank.

You will find every officer from president to teller interested in your success and pleased to talk with you in a confidential, personal wjy. Mufflers $2.50 t0 $6.00 IT FT) TT TTT 1 li Viri iS) Hie American Batik US'uJ IEj 1NJ ID) lUi W43 year8 Your Clothiei "Where The Customer's Interest Come First.".

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.