The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)

THE INDEX-JOURNAL 3f uti bios itiry, dtf fc raadlef tfct dttrttaacnrtsU la Tfef IaJex-JouniL a ikk! tncrtLabta Art) outstanding Juea at isodrraUi prkaa. TV. l4 aa.i Vmw TVOKUr, AIX'OT It. ttrt Erosion-Resisting Crops Increased POLITICAL I ORDERS CLOSII Of Miller Foster Presenting Distinguished Service Award To Arrancnicnta Made For Wrtldin Of Man Held As Kx-Convict By 1636 Acres In This County At Legion Meeting tart-ed on U-e ioanaae af the P- Ho hav Is-es) toJMtf toeartio Mtj to toav Tto romp Is tortog ttwed. Mr.

tvi aaJd. firitowtng oomerooa' tlMiriea ttyil It ha bw- meri44 aa tottiaaor" to Ui Hawmuuty. Hi are roln to a lhat ad ether tasapa la U- rvwiy are rf ductod to eourtonr wllh rea-Uuns refwnuy pdr- ay Ua kar4 4. "and lwsedlai. ty liptta i-roaf that ta I totof IKaaled Ut trunpa will be tkwrd" tuimn oho tobr In satiii hay tiito Ue sun atone, are fowl tag thai utakfrtg hay on fjnrUnm of hrw far ohah aw tetany sub-tort to troi la aU a trac Ure.

As a pat of tr 1 0Mrre Ikm ftorttoe prntraas In lh aro rwar tlrtwtiwaad. ffotfcm-roataUfif emiis le town Uutr4 by irm, on raroM of eMrrsor. ear ding to Mr Siwas Craig. Jr. ill CrmaiTratlnittoL The of Uw tka-grvitii rrtifi for airip rr4iping In nrfUvai ed ItrlitA, in aeatotod waierways her surplu aif fram UnrH to emiKMti and on tiia of the (arm hrr tarux Mfrly tor grown, to providm an ad- DIX1A CAI Will Ik Locked Up To-morrow, Finance Hoard Announces Today Bm4a, thalman of CWiiy fUiaire Board, aafct this trwrnlnst that Ut Inerd had toaued otdfa foralh tWaUiig al the fas-sana Twjftot Camp oft th Dtsle Iturhway a alwrt tMitnf brtow thtt Brtmr.

Mr. Br, Xatod stienff g. White had been given papers to tor are or ttowd en stolurday, on un- Dr. A. Jamison tln It lit St -f l' Ui In A Jaetoat Jr rre-t t4 wta Omltra lr- I Iv.

tifMlJ-f CI" id rtr.u omrteitr fca i Mm wtt U1 4 ton y-re It AnwfVun UM a.Mrtt-4 in UrjwrtrM Orom tt ttm tnod rf of I tor HJX utjNf U-ai um or a ward ta rofrrn4 on torn tntsen IkKiUi Carolina b4 H4H r.LU'oJ4 it-rvv smut the Srlil thai WfWI cWU-m Ml CVnaUtota el Ajnftoa to-tan atd CAw th fl.kfMl 1M Sr4 lkU Oft to fi'l mm mtM In iu reCer prjiar. The UJU wctfara tfat -neon a Mi la more or Ira lhn UmJ It Anrftoan lf and in I.IM7, iWif llh II oUrrT tttUrtM (4 Uito etUy, trtirra Uvl Ua art rtat-ctf as tsn-viT-tiilrred ctiUttmi IM rwuy ate tnUUed I Ui arunr even hMki and the Mm fair rMMM to oot4 ha t-4 II lt4 4 had bra-aj tltxl ft thai t1s miMiHu. in Ui l.iciMM in i4 A ft lh drW i3f lh Arr. i4 iirf-f lwkll tof Mtvd tnufit imlw Mili rtMU UmI 0 Mim tihnt ImI itt 4 mrrf Utto in I nanl If It to tei ttr iWi. nd nh IImI In Mr 0nW.

Mi to I IHUtt Ul Uti iilslfnm tMrir el If Aow rli an trrWl Or-f. MtUrtt w1 llito rtl to tt fn to a mho, Ihmwlt M( Wf'M HI kt gtmi Htttwtf hto ntn4 n4 lot limit' and hto nd MiUnr rniUTljr to It rwtv II Chlktrtl Utto VntinlrT ath aMMl IRay I JUt tar Uil I know ftny mnrv irrfuL any fnrf, ujr fuitirr ami any ImUrr UmI hunwa to-im rn nd hta Si Will President Roosevelt Include waualJy tore crowd Is taperted tor4 luait-a was a la pf ieat tsrget This State In Fall Speaking Tour? HERE'S A GOOD BUY Excellent suburban fitting aUtion altt. Lot of Atn-ile? aite. Cm atation. More room.

IJv-ing quarter attacheii. Four roorru and bath, water, light, aewerafc. The bustneaa alrradjr well eatabtlaheiL A barf atn at $2,500.00. CITIZENS TRUST COMPANY Headquarters for Root Estate N. 1 I 1 1 I TO DRAW MANY Kdtfur Hrown Also Ac-cepta Invitation To SiK'ak At Paris Mountain OIUtCNVILU.

Aug. II. Bdgar A. Brown of ftoraw-u cutay today an invito un to peak trt the farla MuuntoM Wale part potiUraJ rally ttoteenixr it W. W.

Can-itor al the eounty Young ftomortaU. apnnaort of th eumtjra firH aO-day tne-unt t4 Uus typr. rrrlve4 a Mler flam Mr. Hrvwn aUUng that wnuld Tta ts-nator aalrl- tin Uiank your tor of Autu-4 if Hivitwrg to be eamt on Saturday. fepteAbr 11.

at (lr-TtiUto- -Jwily Siiwt." Prto Mountota But park, atai to aJ-tfrern th pmpkl thru and thrr to be raetntoed on asy aubct wiurb B)it( eerur to to. "I aiirertal this to vita um and am artUitf aJd that day for thto raxaainn. L'ttkree aurm tiling unfor-teea altfiuld vrrur 19 change my plana, you may eipr-rt to be prvwnt and to have aomHtuttg to aar. TluuJiUig you again for the to- tnuuvm PUns fur the rally are rapidly being hipped Into ftltap by Mr, Carpenter and Oeorg Chaplin, rally chairman. Senator lOlUnn D.

Crtfi Edi Smith. Cotigreaainsn O. MahtMk Jr. Cola ttfetu. Mytr Burnet R.

Maybaitk of Charleaum, Mayor Drvorc Andrews of Green-wood, RrpmentaUt-a NeviIW Bennett of Marfboro coimty and itou Cpeaker 0ot Blatt are among tho expected to attend th local rally. Senator Ben T. Le(pard. rhair-man of tho atata Drmorratk e-ecutiv commitk-f, will preside, RepreaenUUve Richard Oater of Oreenviil will deliver an addreaa of we loom and other metnbt-rs of th county delegation will be honor guests. Bine th tcxUl plants of Um Sec Aa laytoltrte koaaly lata a aaUl I'aarwa fcaaSa rkaaee aa aa.

taatta Mr I A ertrertort ear aiNra rl "TOPPED," A Tk a Creato! trerttoa it- People Say It'a Shirley's Beat Com and See What You Think 1 fHIIUY TEf.lPlE 'I TICTOB McLAGLEN In Rudyard Kipling's Mighty Story "Wcc Willie fj Winkle" 'tA Today Thru Wd. Sims i si Hunting Season Opens Tomorrow On SQmilELS AND HUNTING SEASON Should Bring You HERE for HUNTING EQUIPMENT --xPLi Clop In ond Ufa iaspc1 your tlri logalhtt SUTX thty era In good condition. You don't oaad coah to buy mw Coodyaar tiro htra, Taj nothing down a littlo oacb wk after th holiday. "R-S" TERES GIVE dlUottaJ aui4y of hay. hkh to bad iNt Oft MKll4 lls AfWs yarmrrt are Ui getlHtg oiber tornia nm the of aurtt ttt.

In adihutaa to th prtntary pirim torttrotUnf mrOu. Mr. Craltf printed out. Where trwum arw w4 in mum, ami tiuty to to rtfaard. whtrtl snraiMi trtrrwaaed ftolda of eropa.

Kwtt land on hltti rtowrwwtng fropa ran be aafrly grown hml4 to given pr-4'rUii of clwo-growtog tmtm tlttrtnf th fail, inter and arty aprtng Uirouth the tta of t-to ttmf crtipa. But In order to t-rlo-i gtaad growth and prottd mas Mtum nrotertton over aa k-n a ft aa pMHabl. inter cover rrfai be earty. Mr. Craig aid.

did rmt tna rretrr the irr rmrr wtmld an tho fwat-nt dur-tot hla trip or not, but a1 14 tliat he onrrttfltaS th prrtVn was al Hyde Part. N. Y. aivl rrtMbly rmM t4 be In Wahlnalan 'luring ii grrvrrrwrs ttolt thee. Cauraae to rm Tt 4WrnKr nrwr has rnmlt-trd hlnwtf on hetlirr rould be a rand! dale Ue smato agatnai Smith nrat jt.

but Hsl t'-re-an nrliloa that hta mind now to anade up In Uwt dimifcm. lie ranrmt. under the Imw, to toe-etd hiowrlf fur -fowttwr. He ha, brcn a Maunrh ftnnuewit mif.wrVf from Uie beguu4nc. The aniKutrrnriit of the of rkftrn" a iw4 brUered to hat been preripititod by the report of the irmklr-nt's r-ton to a 5uth Oarotina a ware-lwur battle-I round It was thought to be JuM a t-tickirtire that the anooimee- rornls came so tksm toci Uirr.

Hie CMtunlttr tia been wortinf fur humttiine, Lrtu-rt hate been mailed out to l-uatneaa men all over th auto to Interest them In the ropoaed statewide orgatasaUon, lit announce-inrnt said, aid a meeting will be field bcrt Friday to orsanlze. IN fedrraUon will made up of the organisations of bualneta and of In-dividual burJneM men and Ituttitu- UotM." The letters of Invitations wr wined by A. L. M. WUjclna.

taurine; WUtuun P. Jacobs, Onion. Repa. J. B.

Britton, Sumter, and WU -cheater Smith, Barnwell; C. L. Cobb, Rock Hill; Thomaa Brtce. Sumter; J. K.

Brecdin, Manning; J. Roy Pennrl, Spartanburg: J. B. Mahoney, Charleston; J. C.

Cau then. Orangeburg, and C. O. Tun her lake. ItnrUvllle.

The committee Ilated Ute follow ing proposed objectives: To apeak for and represent busi ness in South Carclina In federal or state legislative matters or Hi other interest common to all bust' To further the interests of agrl culture In JU effort to secure a more satisfactory posiUcu pi the UoiuU economy. To firomote like industrial devel opmcnt of South Carolina and Uie advertisem*nt of IU advantages lr order to attract new Industries and the investment of capital in the state. "We suggest," the letter said, "that aU existing trade or business organization in Uie aUte become members of the federation and Umt any business not havlnj a state or ganization affiliate by direct mem bership. "It is believed that the time Is at hand, when the business Interests of the stat must have an effective organization for their protection and tor Uie promotion of the bust net and industrial life of South Carolina Supper Of Battery Armory Last Night Mayor Andrews told Capt. For Uer be felt a particular Pride In th local military unit "I con sider It a standing police force ready at all times to step up and defend our city and her peaceful and law abiding citizens when danger threatens and when In- fluences from without try to slip In and disturb our people In the peaceful pursuits of their dally tasks.

It Is a great consolation to me for I feel sure that If we needed you we could depend upon you." Mayor Andrews pointed out the three-fold activities of the battery: First, those who went forth to battle are building into the young men who compooe the battery and others the conviction that "never again shall we go forth to battle on foreign fields: second, that while teaching the principles of peace it Is also training the young In the art of self-defense, and third, It Is "furnishing us with the protection against the foes who may come from without and also against those4 enemlei who are all about in our land today doggedly trying to undermine the sacred principles upon which i oiAiiumx u. c. Awe ii UUrUit Ktot rtar ft. Uilto. Ma MWl today UmI aJt arrmncv awnia h4 a4 for afiriKM anWiii4 ol Katuwttt Mct Iw wi wt a chart torini an wi4 iwntirl fron Sinw)atJa, an4 Ma mp4 a nai irr aa itnttot Urn aaaunioct el f4 XhrJL UlttokaHfi aa H4 tnvUaU 4 Uw man rrra atnra muM to Nilh and Uwl h4 fauna) RK4 h4 towwi a mmtol ritlarn.

Ilf aW ru4 marrlwf to ItotklnfhaBi aA4 lta( lt cfaWrvn kwrn to fauiito, out Utat Ulllr4in aaM luU tln an(r4 atHiUwv marrtof mniMmy (vtlfUntrtl WMlrr hU fral nam "to aa any iff and rMM a bam. Him to, I iuritt ol Uai rxtot or Vom know lli itrai mm, Un dttKuwll wrn of the aarth. mm into fcrWif undrf yaaily rtrrtinvtalwa Tl arvt anrti an4 Uw hrrwa aa jrwi kiir lri and aa I kiw thmi frw obafr of tttMnnr bra rr twrt and mmj a-rr gtfta, rt torti frrallMM had brrn UW-lrrd In mm trylitc rftoto rti th hl'tory 4 lh rmiiiUy or ol Um onrtd. alul of Utt oailirtlrld Ul rtw PM iftlo trraUira on thi btllWn Ut valur. aQr tta lhal iut au-Uichl of I-IJJUT taratirif ftrrrrly an4 ortehU ty titaat Uwm Hh th ci4nilr ttw atom of etury, rrrutntr In pirarih ouanUl wiioq titrir iliouktor, dn1 omy hr (rral tt Ukm torO.

TlUa HUl and IhU HaUaO rut had mny aurti inra but trrwrthrtoha Utrr art Mhrr irvai mHi otinao rmilima to not aufatort to pntMjtar acctaurt and iHaudiU of Uw oiuJUtodo. out tK to IhHr oaf UirtiuctKMit the days of tfii-tr Uw amlrtf UaHr Crratcr ami thr rrralurra of that Creator, and It to to one of thnr Itxwrr ktvmn than lirro of Ui batlk-flrkl but nrvrf. Uiflraa aril rnmigh and ao vrtl kixiwn In tUa own Irld of rndravor lhat hla bra community, that hla itata and tho nationa of Uito rarth Itav rtvewmard hit arorUi In hi paiUmUr ttaVre. and ao It la lih uXrmur tnat I annminr to yvu. Mr.

Oummanrr, and to tlxe aa M-mtUJ. Utat the DuUnriUJwd flr-lire Award CXmmttU clkl ltrlf and Uie Amrrtcan Lrctan tit bunor thU yrar to arlrrt aa IU mlil of ttil Itlah award of ywra. Dr. A. T.

Jm-Unt, of Orrrnwcud, Boutii Carolina. Now tt juM ao happiria lluit Dl. JumlMin, thortly at Irr Civil War. 1 bcttrvo In IWd, wu turn ovrr beta In 1 1 nnrsx, but wt bve a great many mm of diacrrtimc.n and good judgmnt, wltt-n he bscrmi grown man and looked around ta ar whert ha wanted to live, he ca to Bouih Carolina where he trtr-uceo. tLaughterl, He baa on one joS hi the City of Orrenwwio.

for S7 yrari aa head of the Orphanage (ouking after the wanta and carea of km ne of our underprlvlWwi tli'ld-ren. When lie went there, thrt were about a hundred child rn. Tncro are now tiny hundred chJd-xrti, who otlierwli wouldn't have much of a chance In life. The chance thnr are Letting la due largely to the eftorta of this one inan, because aa Uiwe of ua In this Lroa know, aliertoa we may wteh aomethlnj and want something done Uu ro nu got to be somebody to do Urn work. Or Jamlamt haa been duinz Ui4t work for thowe children and thn pcoolei of this SUte, and ao.

Dr. Jambcn. It la my pleasure and my privilege and uiy humble honor, for the Leglon- nalrea of SoUh Carolliu and in their name, to bubtow upon yon thl hlh expression of Uieir friendship. their resiiect. their reverence, their cMcem and their apjreciatlon for your fine) and life and the wish of all of them for you la that the Lord or us all may spare you many long years yet ao that the fine wnrk that vou are doing may be continued to the glory of the State, ttie glory of the Nation, the glory of the Creator and to your own per wmal hupplncss and satisfaction.

(Entire assembly rises and ap plauds.) A kangaroo never runs. It trav els very fast by leaps and bounds STOP THOSE CHILLS AND FEVER! Taht a Proven Medicim for Malaria Don't suffer like a dogl Tht minute you feel chill or fevel coming on. start taking Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. This good, old. medicine will toon fix you up.

Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic contains tasteless quinidine and iron. It quickly stops chills and fever and also tends to build you up. That's the double effect you want The next time you suffer an attack of Malaria, don't take chances with new-fangled or untried preparations. Get Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It's pleasant to take as well as effectiv.

All drug stores sell Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic, 60c and $1. The latter size foe more economical, Wiai Ue matornol draih lata th ViJied Stotos under borwM randiUnna ts tn-eely 21 fr 0eUttoe th death raw among awUter of mutharm lolanui la CU per lasts drtltef tea Duttoff the ta4 Sta fewnlM was apeol for prtvatoty-flnanied eufwtrwliuei to Uo Uiaud luaiea to every AJiar apent lsr pul wm atrufUatt, aerttrdinf to fWA ftffl- Ctota. TV 1)3 lamli mp of tk felt- inaa imi Well Known Makes Shot una Fox Srcrlingworth Winchester C. Smith Sfupleigh's Stevens Remington Automatic Lcfcvcr Station Davis DuRant, Mgr. Any of the above make guns is thoroughly reliable.

Your hunting trip will be real fun with one of our guns. Also Remington and Vinchcstcr IUHcs ftllt-1fs to tram I He filtsNit4a frrjrd: ftouih Cur-Jirwi "a snarr balU rr Ufwl of the 11)1 cunareaaairna.1 eawpalin" In a to'e-A brtwrefi rVnaUtr llitonn Smith and One. ernoe CNin II. -hnto tor "truth's amate at was erivtolnnHl In de- rWrriU OVTf tt Wrtr-ftd. Onnditotil with a iPt from hlnct'n lhat rreMtit Xtouw- veil snliht fmne Into Anuth Caro lina Utto fail to lTnk fnr bto w-ace-hnur bill, ram aUtrne-nt tltal Ute mm nltt' of etovm HomUi CartJina clii-ni.

wtiO went to Wakhtngton reemUy tc opprta Hi btil. wnuld attempt to orpua -rrprtarttotlve btMineaa men" of the Male Into a fedrratmn of euro- rrre, aailruiture and Induatry The rrprrrt that tho preaMmt would bwliMle thla atato In nla tun. rrary fnr a tall jrakint tour was a-ritten by Jeare a. Cottretl. Waah- Ingi'-n, wripondrnt of Tt Ctiar-ktt Otrarrvef.

CuUrell said Utat "If source (June to White Itouae ran be truoted." I he prrsidrtit Is planning to emler an attark upon Hrnatnr Bmilh, "Rlate Ret far Stare It is tuniirimnt." CotircU wrote. pt li nut that the stag la already set for a rar between cVn-ator BmnUt and Governor Oun D. JotuUton, youthful Suuh Carolina stoto exrruilve. who Is raUloiueo as a 100 per cent New DiaUr." Cottrell said his White Mmiao In formal u.n was that "the pukiml prtM-nt purpire I to ringie out the South Camllna artist of for special treatment' on statemrnU Smith made about the waee-hour bill during It conaiderallcn In the senate. "Paitlcularly." aatd Cottrctl's dis patch, la Mr.

Uoofevrlt diHplra-sed with a speech made on the floor by Senator Smith In which the latter said that living conditions In South Carolina are so kindly that It takes only 90 cents a day to ennl.le one to live comfortably and reaionably." Should the president carry out his irportwf Intentions, Cottrell pointed out, "It would cement the bine" of New DealiMn and anU-Nrw Deal-Ism between Johnston and Siolth, "and South Carolina would ahape up overnight as one of the major buttle grwinds of the 1938 congressional campaign." Governor Johnston, meanwhile, could not be reached for a Hate mmt today. He had gone to Washington yesterday on a businesa trip, vhlch his secretary, Roy A. Powell, said would Include a number of matter. Powell wild he knew nothing of any plans the president might have to come to South Carolina on a ealng tour. He saM Die governor planned to confer tn Washington with rural electrification and public works admlnlbtxa-Uon authorities on South Curolln-i pvejects.

The governor to chairman of the state RE A. Powell said 100 Attend Annual At New With 100 in attendunce tho annual supper of IJattery 2C3rd Coast Artillery, was held in the Armory on Phoenix street last night. Capt. S. A.

Porter, commanding officer of the battery, presided and Introduced the speak ers. The supper was prepared by Mess Sergeant Lynch and the bat tery cooks. Members of City Council and employers of men who are mem bers of the battery were fn attend' ance ana regret was expressed that the legislative delegation could not attend on account of a meet ing with the county finance board. Members of the regimental bund were guents at a supper on Sun day night following their return from the dedication of the new armory at Anderson. Mayor DeVore Andrews was the principal speaker at the supper last night and brief remarks also were made by Joe F.

Chalmers, commander of Greenwood Post No. 20 of the American Legion; Howard R. Hart, general superintendent of the Greenwood, Mathews and Ninety Six mills, and J. G. McNeil, superintendent of the 1 Hunting Coats, Jackets, Breeches, Canvas and Leather Leggins, Caps, Coots.

SEE OURS FIRST! Expert, Western Field, Winchester and Nitro Club Shells GAMBRELL HARDWARE CO. Tim la Money Buy Hero and Sare Both 3141-DIAL3141 LQukk-atorpiaa Ir 2 Tli G4yv Marfla afaJaty 3Tauk aitHiHMQaova oa- (kid to4 High. thaatdaia a. aelfl 4 Supartwiil Cr4 fclawtml. protection 1 tory ply.

5. jPECim-ELECTRIC HOOSE All 5 Wx'HJt Ilf II 11 iiy i. MOay S5i SPECIAL! INSECT SCREEN K.a la(li haa claooa tadiatar. taiaa iw orwpa aissl aaia. now 53c SPECIAL! VARSITY RADIO A tupar olu.

for Wat JltCSS allaa. YO.olioa, or xUa lor inu ran homa, Bullt-ia NWW atrial. STORES rilOE CHO All TO 3 BB 1 3iJMS picnic ak pa ot. tlt SPECIAL! COOL-WIAVC SEAT PADS now 72c SPECIAL! RAIN CAPES ilheuatt Phioiilm wuh baarf aiioch.d. Cany la putt and slip wba il toiaa.

1 CiMrM ig0C WM'iSj AND MANY OTHER, MO KSY-SAVING ITEMS SERVICE JiT. I 39 mm LOOK! LOOK. Pony Contest ends tonight at 10 o'clock Dc sure and have your votes in by that time. A few more votes may mean you get a pony FREE Also Skates will be given or second and third prizes Listed below ere the eight highest: DESSIE MAE TRAM ELL CALHOUN MAYS VIRGINIA HOLTZCLAW PAUL DIAL GALLANT BETSY LONG SALLIE SCURRY LEROY THOMPSON JEAN LAWRENCE 7 Gables Service Calhoun Avenue pay: "I Saw If hTh Indcx-JournaJThnksI our nation was founded." Ninety Six mill..

The Index-Journal from Greenwood, South Carolina (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.